Thursday, 13 November 2014

Last week I got Student of the week  for improvements in my writing.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Wild cats

The world  would be a better place without wild  cats. “How?”  you ask. Why?  Aren't cats cute and

cuddly? NO! Not these cats. These cats are awful.

Wild cats were brought into the New Zealand in 1770 by ships that were bringing explorers. They brought them to kill the rats that were racing all over the ships. Later they used the wild cats to kill all of the rabbits that had become a major problem on South Island farms. The didn't know that the wild cats would then turn out to be a major problem.

Wild cats kill young and adult birds and sometimes they take the eggs. They prey on native lizards and frogs. Lots of our native species nest on the ground and the cats kill them, or they climb the trees to kill them. Some precious native animals, like the kakapo, have had to be moved to special islands where there are no cats so that they can survive.  

I hate the noises that wild cats make at night time.  This is what I  can hear at  night in my bed mew mew mew. It is so loud! Sometimes I have to go down to my mum and dads room because the nose  is scary and it is right outside my bedroom window.

Sometimes the wild cats are fighting with our pet cat, Jerry. They eat his food and then hurt him. We sometimes have to take him to the vet after he has been hurt by a wild cat.  

The reason there are so many wild cats around is that people drop them on  the side of the road and they leave them there for ever and they  have so many kittens .   I think that people should  drop their cats and kittens at the SPCA not on the road. Well   a big black  fluff cat come to my house and wanted  my cat’s food.

I really  do think New Zealand would be a better place without wild cats . I know my cat would be happier and so would all our native wildlife.  So I think  that people  should get out and start to put  traps in the wild to catch  these animals. They are bad.  Wild cats can cause fighting  and you may have to put your cat down, that is sad for people .   Listen up John Key and the rest of the government - you need to get rid of wild cats NOW!

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Holiday Recount - Orana Park

Orana Park - my 100 word recount about my holiday adventure.

 I jumped out of the truck. I said, 
“Come on Mum and dad. Let’s go to Orana Park!” 
The first thing we did was go on the shuttle. We went around the park. I liked the pony’s best because they are little. After that we walked around and i saw some giraffes. I saw lots of animals, like zebras, tigers, lions, llamas and rhinos. Then I went to the farm. I got to go by myself. That was cool. I got to see a pig, cows, rabbits, sheep and chickens. After that we went for lunch. I had a very good cupcake with a tiger on it and I had some chips. After we went on the shuttle again but after the shuttle we went to the shop to have a look at some earrings. They were cool. I love Orana Park

Friday, 25 July 2014

My camp recount .

This is my recount about splash palace because it was my favourite part about camp. It is really cool!

 I said to Mum “We are here Mum” because I could see the Splash Palace sign. We drove to the pool car park. Josie and I jumped out of the truck and we raced inside. We had to wait til all of us got there and then we went into the changing room. We all got changed in a hurry so we could get into the pool to swim. I walked out of the changing room and walked slowly out to the pool. Then I saw lots of people in the pool. Josie jumped into the pool. Everyone was crashing into me. All I could see under the water was people’s feet and heads. And also you could smell lots of chlorine in the water. There were boats and if you were in one you would probably get tipped out. There was lots of lifeguards and when you went around the roundabout it was deep and shallow. We swam for a long time, but then it was time to get out of the pool. All of us walked out of the pool slowly. We were a little sad when we stopped swimming. We had a shower and then went back to the marae. I loved Splash Palace.